Monday, October 30, 2006
A little explanation on the picks
All losing picks were taken off the board. Gary and I got late information letting us know that all of the picks that we made that lost should be taken off, and we took them off the board. If you did not call the millionaire line, that's on you homey. It's not a kids game.
Friday, October 27, 2006
Philanthropy (The Picks)
We are 12-0 on parlay picks the last two weeks between Gary and I. Here are the picks...
Bill Gates (massive philanthropist) Parlay
B-- Bowling Green -18 over Temple
G-- Green Wave (Tulane) -5.5 over Army
P-- Pirates (ECU) +6.5 over S Miss
Gary's "Carl Perkins Cadillac" and "My Best Girl" Parlays in honor of Drive By Truckers and Lucero
C--Colorado +2 over Kansas
P-- Penn State -3 over Purdue
C-- Cincy -6 over Syracuse
M-- Miami Ohio -5 over Ball State
B-- Baylor +4.5 over Tex AM
G-- G Tech -5 over Miami
Mine AND Garys Lock of Forever Eva and eva (infinity + infinity stars Master Lock)
USC -10.5 over Oregon State
Bert Sugar Picks (26-12-2 on year)
N Dame -13 over Navy
Northwestern +32 over Mich
Nebraska -5.5 over Okie St
Tenn -3.5 over S Carolina
Kentucky -1.5 over Miss St.
Denunzio Picks and Segment on the website Saturday
Have fun making millions--- Verno
Bill Gates (massive philanthropist) Parlay
B-- Bowling Green -18 over Temple
G-- Green Wave (Tulane) -5.5 over Army
P-- Pirates (ECU) +6.5 over S Miss
Gary's "Carl Perkins Cadillac" and "My Best Girl" Parlays in honor of Drive By Truckers and Lucero
C--Colorado +2 over Kansas
P-- Penn State -3 over Purdue
C-- Cincy -6 over Syracuse
M-- Miami Ohio -5 over Ball State
B-- Baylor +4.5 over Tex AM
G-- G Tech -5 over Miami
Mine AND Garys Lock of Forever Eva and eva (infinity + infinity stars Master Lock)
USC -10.5 over Oregon State
Bert Sugar Picks (26-12-2 on year)
N Dame -13 over Navy
Northwestern +32 over Mich
Nebraska -5.5 over Okie St
Tenn -3.5 over S Carolina
Kentucky -1.5 over Miss St.
Denunzio Picks and Segment on the website Saturday
Have fun making millions--- Verno
Thursday, October 26, 2006
That's a winner!
I am naming my first child Wainwright Vernon. For those of you that have read this blog for some time, you know may hatred for Izzy. My love for Wainwright is in direct proportion.
I will bet this will be the best Grizzlies Blog going
Chris Herrington (regular guest from the Memphis Flyer) has his new blog up and running. Link it, Love it, massage it. He is the best in town at breaking down the game and NBA.
Chris Herrington (regular guest from the Memphis Flyer) has his new blog up and running. Link it, Love it, massage it. He is the best in town at breaking down the game and NBA.
Wednesday, October 25, 2006
Now that is some high praise
Kevin Scarbinsky, the fantastic columnist from the Birmingham News, writes about the Coach O Song in his article today. (thank you to Chadd (the man Cowherd calls The Compass) from Colin Cowherd's show for the heads up).
Here is what was in the article...
"Orgeron is more than the Ole Miss football coach. He's a cautionary tale college presidents tell each other over tea. He's a ghost story athletics directors tell their children at night.
He's the heart and soul of the greatest parody of a college football coach in the history of college football. And parodies.
If you've watched the smash Internet video called Colonel Reb is Crying, you've laughed until you cried.
Unless you're an Ole Miss fan. In which case you were already weeping. "
Mentions everywhere from papers, to CBS, to ESPN, etc. Rece Davis (hero) mentions it at every chance. I have a feeling I will never top this, ever. Thank you to all of you that ever sent a copy somewhere.
UPDATE-- thanks to CBKnox for the link. Clay Travis from CBS Sportsline had this to say...
"Orgeron doesn't do himself any favors by sounding like the Incredible Hulk if the Incredible Hulk spoke with a small ferret attempting to escape from his esophagus. Which leads me to the link below that dozens of people have e-mailed me: Please watch this. I beg of you. If tears aren't streaming down your face by the time this song ends, you need to seriously reconsider your life.
Without a doubt the funniest song about an SEC coach in football history."
If you have seen any others, let me know. I was told it was in a Top 10 at a paper in Alabama and could not find it.
Here is what was in the article...
"Orgeron is more than the Ole Miss football coach. He's a cautionary tale college presidents tell each other over tea. He's a ghost story athletics directors tell their children at night.
He's the heart and soul of the greatest parody of a college football coach in the history of college football. And parodies.
If you've watched the smash Internet video called Colonel Reb is Crying, you've laughed until you cried.
Unless you're an Ole Miss fan. In which case you were already weeping. "
Mentions everywhere from papers, to CBS, to ESPN, etc. Rece Davis (hero) mentions it at every chance. I have a feeling I will never top this, ever. Thank you to all of you that ever sent a copy somewhere.
UPDATE-- thanks to CBKnox for the link. Clay Travis from CBS Sportsline had this to say...
"Orgeron doesn't do himself any favors by sounding like the Incredible Hulk if the Incredible Hulk spoke with a small ferret attempting to escape from his esophagus. Which leads me to the link below that dozens of people have e-mailed me: Please watch this. I beg of you. If tears aren't streaming down your face by the time this song ends, you need to seriously reconsider your life.
Without a doubt the funniest song about an SEC coach in football history."
If you have seen any others, let me know. I was told it was in a Top 10 at a paper in Alabama and could not find it.
Saturday, October 21, 2006
Jimmy Denunzio Segment and Picks
The Worlds Greatest Handicapper from Dicaprio Bail Bonds and Picks joins us weekly on Fridays. Here is the segment with the picks.
Friday, October 20, 2006
Philanthropy (the picks)
Verno's Harold Ford Jr. Buy your own Jet Parlay
J-- Jayhawks (kansas) +3.5 over Baylor
E-- ECU -6 over SMU
T-- TCU -12 over Army
Verno's Lock of all Locks in the last 25 years (infinity stars)
Southern Miss +17 over V Tech
Gary's Seven Nation Army Parlay
S-- SDSU +14 over Air Force
N-- Northwestern +7 over Mich St
A-- Akron -8 over Miami (Ohio)
Garys Who would bet on Memphis lock of the Century
Memphis +13 over Tulsa
Bert Sugar Picks
Wisconsin -6 over Purdue
S Carolina -3.5 over Vandy
TCU -12 over Army
Mich St -7 over Nwestern
Oregon -3.5 over Wash St
Audio File for Denunzio Picks up on Sat
Come to the Tailgate at Toby Park Sat 4-7 pm before Homecoming Game
J-- Jayhawks (kansas) +3.5 over Baylor
E-- ECU -6 over SMU
T-- TCU -12 over Army
Verno's Lock of all Locks in the last 25 years (infinity stars)
Southern Miss +17 over V Tech
Gary's Seven Nation Army Parlay
S-- SDSU +14 over Air Force
N-- Northwestern +7 over Mich St
A-- Akron -8 over Miami (Ohio)
Garys Who would bet on Memphis lock of the Century
Memphis +13 over Tulsa
Bert Sugar Picks
Wisconsin -6 over Purdue
S Carolina -3.5 over Vandy
TCU -12 over Army
Mich St -7 over Nwestern
Oregon -3.5 over Wash St
Audio File for Denunzio Picks up on Sat
Come to the Tailgate at Toby Park Sat 4-7 pm before Homecoming Game
Monday, October 16, 2006
Luis Gonzalez from Fox Baseball coverage will join us on the show today @ 5.
Sunday, October 15, 2006
We have the audio file and music video (thanks to Craig Bates in Knoxville) set to hit the internet at 3 pm CST. Gary Parrish of calls it "hysterical."
Big Props to ESPN (Chris Fowler and Rece Davis both) for acknowledging the Coach O Song on the college football scoreboard shows on the worldwide leader.
Reports of it being sung at the Bama/ Ole Miss game, the media room at Auburn/ Florida, etc.
Thanks to all of you that listen to the show, you guys are great. Keep getting the word out. Memphis was the easy part, global domination is the only thing acceptable now. Get ready, today at 3 your life changes........
Big Props to ESPN (Chris Fowler and Rece Davis both) for acknowledging the Coach O Song on the college football scoreboard shows on the worldwide leader.
Reports of it being sung at the Bama/ Ole Miss game, the media room at Auburn/ Florida, etc.
Thanks to all of you that listen to the show, you guys are great. Keep getting the word out. Memphis was the easy part, global domination is the only thing acceptable now. Get ready, today at 3 your life changes........
Friday, October 13, 2006
Philanthropy (The Picks)
Verno's CORN Parlay (price of corn going up-- buy all you want with this one)
C- Connecticut -4.5 over Army
O- Ohio State -14 over Mich State
R- Redhawks (Miami OH) -7 over Buffalo
N- New Mexico -2.5 over UNLV
Verno's Maddonas New Malawian Baby Lock of Century (Infinity Stars)
Tulsa -2.5 over ECU
Bonus Pick from Verno= Idaho +2.5 over LaTech
Gary Parrish Eric Gordon Parlay
Indiana +19.5 over Iowa
Ohio +6 over Illinois
West Mich +3 over N. Illinois
Gary's Lock of the Decade
North Carolina +3 over South Florida
Jimmy Denunzio Picks (Worlds Greatest Handicapper)
New Orleans +3 over Philly
Denver -15 over Oakland
Dallas -13 over Houston
Pitt -6.5 over Kansas City
Secret Double Triple Secret Lock *7 (42 lock guaranteed-- Bears -11.5 over Arizona)
Bert Sugar Picks
Maryland -4.5 over Virginia
Navy -1.5 over Rutgers
Pitt -9.5 over UCF (Friday Game)
Mich -6.5 over Penn St
Arizona -3.5 over Stanford
Bert is 20-8-2 on the show this year
you are welcome for the free money
C- Connecticut -4.5 over Army
O- Ohio State -14 over Mich State
R- Redhawks (Miami OH) -7 over Buffalo
N- New Mexico -2.5 over UNLV
Verno's Maddonas New Malawian Baby Lock of Century (Infinity Stars)
Tulsa -2.5 over ECU
Bonus Pick from Verno= Idaho +2.5 over LaTech
Gary Parrish Eric Gordon Parlay
Indiana +19.5 over Iowa
Ohio +6 over Illinois
West Mich +3 over N. Illinois
Gary's Lock of the Decade
North Carolina +3 over South Florida
Jimmy Denunzio Picks (Worlds Greatest Handicapper)
New Orleans +3 over Philly
Denver -15 over Oakland
Dallas -13 over Houston
Pitt -6.5 over Kansas City
Secret Double Triple Secret Lock *7 (42 lock guaranteed-- Bears -11.5 over Arizona)
Bert Sugar Picks
Maryland -4.5 over Virginia
Navy -1.5 over Rutgers
Pitt -9.5 over UCF (Friday Game)
Mich -6.5 over Penn St
Arizona -3.5 over Stanford
Bert is 20-8-2 on the show this year
you are welcome for the free money
Today on the show
Madani's Musings
Dave Richard from Sportsline (Fantasy Writer
Weekly Cigar with Bert Sugar
Worlds Greatest Hadicapper Jimmy Denunzio
Gary Parrish and the Picks (Philanthropy)
And I will say the most intelligent thing ever said
Dave Richard from Sportsline (Fantasy Writer
Weekly Cigar with Bert Sugar
Worlds Greatest Hadicapper Jimmy Denunzio
Gary Parrish and the Picks (Philanthropy)
And I will say the most intelligent thing ever said
Sunday, October 08, 2006
Friday, October 06, 2006
Philanthropy (The Picks)
Verno's Christian Laettner my buddy owns this team, buy your own Parlay
D-- Duke +30 over Bama
U-- UAB -5 over Memphis (donate these winnings to school please)
K-- Kansas City -3 over Arizona
E-- East Carolina -6 over Virgini
Verno's Pick of the Millenium Baby Spinach Pick (a million stars)
Louisville -29.5 over MTSU (friday)
Verno's bonus Picks (cause I love da kids) Vandy, Navy
Gary's OCD Parlay
O-- Okie St -2.5 over K State
C-- Cincy -6 over Akron
D-- Duke +30 over Bama
Gary's Don't Screw Next Weekend Lock of Decade
Florida -1 over LSU
Bert Sugar Picks (Over 80% on show this year, 5-0 last week)
LSU +1 over Florida
Tenn -2.5 over Georgia
Texas A&M -2 over Kansas
Rice -2.5 over Tulane
Vandy -1.5 over Ole Miss
Coyote Ugly Pick of Week is KC -3 over Arizona
Have a great weekend. You now have no excuse to be struggling financially. Holla.
D-- Duke +30 over Bama
U-- UAB -5 over Memphis (donate these winnings to school please)
K-- Kansas City -3 over Arizona
E-- East Carolina -6 over Virgini
Verno's Pick of the Millenium Baby Spinach Pick (a million stars)
Louisville -29.5 over MTSU (friday)
Verno's bonus Picks (cause I love da kids) Vandy, Navy
Gary's OCD Parlay
O-- Okie St -2.5 over K State
C-- Cincy -6 over Akron
D-- Duke +30 over Bama
Gary's Don't Screw Next Weekend Lock of Decade
Florida -1 over LSU
Bert Sugar Picks (Over 80% on show this year, 5-0 last week)
LSU +1 over Florida
Tenn -2.5 over Georgia
Texas A&M -2 over Kansas
Rice -2.5 over Tulane
Vandy -1.5 over Ole Miss
Coyote Ugly Pick of Week is KC -3 over Arizona
Have a great weekend. You now have no excuse to be struggling financially. Holla.
Thursday, October 05, 2006
Click here for the Video of the Song
Welcome all listeners and viewers of any media I have done for the song. Big thanks to Max Howell and the guys at "Maxxed Out" The song was featured on the show this morning (which is in 8 states throughout the south), and will be on their TV show which is in 72 markets on the Cox Cable Network. I got an email last night from Mike Hall (ESPNU Anchor) from ESPNU saying that they referenced the song on the college football show the Monday night 3-4 times in the hour. Jim Donnan had given it to Mike Gottfried and Mike shared with everyone at ESPN. I think my heart would have stopped if I had heard them reference it, but big-ups to these guys. Heros.
Thanks again to all the listeners of the show. Its a powerful group. Today is my birthday, and I never really made a big deal of anybody else's, so I could really care less about my own. I cant wait for the calls from family and friends wishing me a happy birthday, and then I say thanks, and then I am out of things to say.
Here is how is goes...
me: Hello
other person: Happy Birthday (or bad rendition of song that seems forever)
me: thanks
other person: So do you feel older?
me: (my brain is saying be nice) No, not really.
other person: So how is everything?
me: (oh dear God, not this conversation) Everything is great.
other person: Yeah... great... how is work?
me: (ohhhhhhhh no) Work is great
other person: Is everything else good?
me: (didn't we just go over this!, stay nice) Yeah, its great.
other person: Did you get anything?
me: (oh crap, I gotta get out of this) A few things, hey, I gotta run.
other person: oh, ok, well wanted to wish you Happy Birthday
me: (thank you Jesus) Thanks so much. Great to hear from you. (blah, blah, blah)
I always lie, but I am 28 now (seriously).
Thanks for listening.
Thanks again to all the listeners of the show. Its a powerful group. Today is my birthday, and I never really made a big deal of anybody else's, so I could really care less about my own. I cant wait for the calls from family and friends wishing me a happy birthday, and then I say thanks, and then I am out of things to say.
Here is how is goes...
me: Hello
other person: Happy Birthday (or bad rendition of song that seems forever)
me: thanks
other person: So do you feel older?
me: (my brain is saying be nice) No, not really.
other person: So how is everything?
me: (oh dear God, not this conversation) Everything is great.
other person: Yeah... great... how is work?
me: (ohhhhhhhh no) Work is great
other person: Is everything else good?
me: (didn't we just go over this!, stay nice) Yeah, its great.
other person: Did you get anything?
me: (oh crap, I gotta get out of this) A few things, hey, I gotta run.
other person: oh, ok, well wanted to wish you Happy Birthday
me: (thank you Jesus) Thanks so much. Great to hear from you. (blah, blah, blah)
I always lie, but I am 28 now (seriously).
Thanks for listening.
Wednesday, October 04, 2006
Steam of conciousness
The song has now been downloaded over 11 thousand times and has been watched on youtube over 32 thousand times. Thanks to all of you that have emailed and enjoyed it. I started to work on another song. Any suggestions are welcome in terms of subject matter for new songs.
Earlier in the year we had a discussion about Jeter vs. Arod. Seriously, you can hate of the guy, which I am sure people will on The Haters segment today, but who would you rather have in the playoffs.
I have a terrible feeling about how this season is going to play out for Memphis.
I remember thinking that Ahmad Carroll would be good when he was at Arkansas. Do you know how bad you have to be to get cut by the Packers?
How is it possible that Culpepper is much worse than Ferrotte? That guy was made by Moss, like carbon-dated Cunningham, Jeff George, etc.
I like the new Killers CD.
The National League is not good. It seems like there is one great starter, and its Carpenter. There are some good ones, but 1 great starter in the playoffs?
Christian Laettner needs PR consultation. Jerry Stackhouse once beat him up on an airplane, you figure that may humble you a bit. I really hope we stop with the Duke stuff and "championship environment" etc. I loved Brian Davis, and Laettner took away from the excitement of a new local owner. "My team, our team, my best friend owns the team, Why did you laugh when we said I would be on the team?"... it was all abrasive and a bit unsettling.
Grizz PBP guy Eric Hasseltine, Chris Herrington from the Flyer, Gary Parrish (out of the hospital, but still messed up), and maybe John McEnroe on the show today.
Earlier in the year we had a discussion about Jeter vs. Arod. Seriously, you can hate of the guy, which I am sure people will on The Haters segment today, but who would you rather have in the playoffs.
I have a terrible feeling about how this season is going to play out for Memphis.
I remember thinking that Ahmad Carroll would be good when he was at Arkansas. Do you know how bad you have to be to get cut by the Packers?
How is it possible that Culpepper is much worse than Ferrotte? That guy was made by Moss, like carbon-dated Cunningham, Jeff George, etc.
I like the new Killers CD.
The National League is not good. It seems like there is one great starter, and its Carpenter. There are some good ones, but 1 great starter in the playoffs?
Christian Laettner needs PR consultation. Jerry Stackhouse once beat him up on an airplane, you figure that may humble you a bit. I really hope we stop with the Duke stuff and "championship environment" etc. I loved Brian Davis, and Laettner took away from the excitement of a new local owner. "My team, our team, my best friend owns the team, Why did you laugh when we said I would be on the team?"... it was all abrasive and a bit unsettling.
Grizz PBP guy Eric Hasseltine, Chris Herrington from the Flyer, Gary Parrish (out of the hospital, but still messed up), and maybe John McEnroe on the show today.
Tuesday, October 03, 2006
Monday, October 02, 2006
UPDATE-- New Grizz Owner Brian Davis Interview Online
We will have all interviews on the Website--- Brian Davis is there--
In the ARCHIVES section
In the ARCHIVES section
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